Friday, 26 April 2024

A special ANZAC day in Vietnam by Miriam Lockwood

Yesterday afternoon we were led  by Dennis, our RSL representative, in what was the most beautiful and moving ANZAC day service I have attended in my life. We wore badges with the names of or researched Vietnam ANZAC's and had about 5 minutes of closed eyes as we listened and reflected on the song 'I was only 19'. 

As this song was playing poppies were scattered on the ground and an Australian flag with medals was displayed on the table. 

After the song we heard the ANZAC requiem, read by Alby, and a poem, written and read by Megan. Dennis then gave a moving speech about Gallipoli and how young so many of the ANZAC'S were. 

After the service we all reflected on the trip and hugged and cried as we reminisced on the time we had shared and how much we have grown over the last two weeks, not only as friends, but as individuals. 

On this trip I have met my second family and have built relationships and memories that I will truly treasure forever.

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